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爱尔高校园(图# 20)




我们的课程目标包括 内华达州学前教育标准 for our Pre-Kindergarten classes and blend with our overall program to provide experiences and materials that will help the children develop the broad language and logical abilities that are the foundation for later academic learning, 创造性思维, 积极的社会互动. We also strive to maintain the high standards for learning as set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

我们每天的主题都是以读写为基础的. Each classroom’s schedules, daily plans, and objectives are developed from the following modules:

  • 自我概念课程 unfolds following the 发展 of the child in a natural, logical, and sequential process. This model recognizes the child at the heart of the curriculum and takes into account the types of experiences that will enhance the child’s 发展 and what is relevant to him or her.
  • 反偏见课程 prepares children with an early educational experience that teaches acceptance, 尊重, and cooperation for all peoples in the classroom and in the community.
  • 创意课程 recognizes that the classroom environment serves as an effective teaching tool.  The environment also enhances both fine and gross motor 发展 through a range of challenging equipment and materials.  Each classroom includes the following learning stations:  Domestic Play, 块, 教具, 图书馆科学/数学, 沙子和水, 创造性的艺术, Language Arts (Oral Languages and Writing Center) and Computer.

Zaner-Bloser笔迹 & 字母简介: 与发展相适应的书写指导, 以一致的方式交付, 正在进行的方式, is a proven critical component of overall literacy 发展. 本课程将:

  • support early reading and writing 发展 through print awareness and improved letter recognition,
  • 加强学生的自我调节能力;
  • encourage ongoing literacy growth to improve written communications, and
  • 减少对手写相关干预的需求.

车轮上的作业: Once a month all pre-kindergarten children will roll home a backpack on wheels that will contain a book and directions for activities that relate to the story. Parents/guardians will read the story to their child and help them with the activity. This promotes quality time with parents and literacy learning skills. The backpacks and activities are due the following preschool day. 


The most important goal of our early childhood curriculum is to help children become independent, 自信, 求知欲强,学习热情. Our curriculum and daily lesson plans incorporate cognitive and social learning goals and objectives and the state of Nevada’s Pre-K standards. The following areas of 发展 are included in the Child Center’s curriculum and daily lesson plans:

  • 创意:  定义包括原创性、 imagination, divergent thinking (seeing things from a different perspective), and the ability to create something new or to combine materials in novel, but meaningful ways.
  • 认知:  这是心理或智力的过程 发展.  This area helps children to acquire learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, ask questions and to understand and use words to describe their ideas, 观察和感受.  Cognitive 发展 allows children to learn and understand the following skills and concepts:  colors, numbers, shapes, one-on-one correspondence, 等.
  • 情感:  孩子们学会内化标准 什么是对与错.  孩子们学会传达公平、一致和尊重 以及对他人的同理心.
  • 语言:  孩子们的语言从一开始就发展起来 先天因素和环境因素的结合.  儿童语言能力 develop through oral communication, listening activities, letter recognition, rhymes, storytelling, social skills, sight vocabulary and writing skills.
  • 物理:  通过粗大的或大的运动活动,孩子 can develop coordination, strength, large muscles, physical fitness, and social skills.
  • 精细运动发展:  小肌肉发达 通过抓、握、切、拉.
  • 大肌肉运动发展:  肌肉发达 through outdoor play, creative movement, and specific physical education games.
  • 社会:  通过获得社交技能,孩子们会 learn acceptance, 尊重, and cooperation in the classroom and in the community.
  • 听觉和视觉感知:  听觉的歧视 of sounds and words and visual recognition of shapes, letters, words, colors, 等.


爱尔高校园(图# 20)




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